Friday, September 15, 2006

Sometimes I loathe watching shows with hints of revengence in it.

You know, when you see the guy turning from a happy man into someone shouting curses; blaming everyone and swearing for revenge, it's like a bad thing.

And I will tend to relate it to myself and bring back stupid things I don't wanna remember, because right now I'm feeling kinda happy with little wonderful things around me.

Like the programme in school tomorrow. Omg, the kids! =D

And I've been busy with projects in school so I hadn't got good night sleep recently; neglecting my pals online and offline..

I'm so sorry for that. =(

But!!! My project is coming to an end and I believe I am involved in another one soon. Let's hope I will not be involve in some busy department again.. =))))

Some of you might ask, why would you want to take up these projects?

But the fact remains that I would like to get exposed to new people; new ideas and new leadership style..

Under the leader of this current project, I felt like everything is controlled and that the sentence of "the decisions lies in you" are just words. Nothing more.

It seems like everything is being controlled and we can't come up with something more creative but more of tested and proven style.

However, it seems like the leader for the next upcoming project are more open to ideas. Worked before with her on a really short term basis and she always asked questions that would set us pondering and really, when she set into the meeting today she made comments which I go "wow" at!

Weets, I'm so looking forward to it! =D
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