my brother

i didn't get to sleep until 7am this morning. spent my time watching a new video. i think shuning's right, im a video-addict. a hongkong one at that. :D
just when im watching halfway into the night, around 3am i heard noises. thought it was mom and quickly pretended to sleep with my pillow over my face and laptop down for hibernation. turn out to be bro and it scares me big time because... he's supposed to be in taiwan! wth is he doing home?!
turn out his plane is tonight. heh.
anyway upon knowing im not asleep he came into my room and talked to me about alot of things. i don know why, but after hearing all of it i suddenly find my brother a grown up man. it seems like he just suddenly grew up all of a sudden. no warning, no nothing. just poof! :)
i used to really, really hate him. because he is a violent, insensible and totally spoilt brat. if he cant get his way, he would gives u attitude and abuse his authority as a elder brother. it gets even worst when one time he was whacking me and hit my finger accidentally. my finger is now crooked. :(
there was many times i contemplated running away from home and even more times i wished i wasn't in this family.
but now i supposed things have changed a little. as stubborn as my mom can be. im glad she's there asking if i've eaten and showing concerns in little ways i've always overlooked and my brother who has grown up who is becoming more responsible.
in fact, recently he stopped borrowing money from me. woots. :D
and yes.. i still cant stand him eating up all my groceries at home. i still think he's a rat/pig reborn as a human. sigh!
from the blessed,
Charps. :D
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