Tuesday, March 06, 2007

i dont wanna go..

the news came quickly. we're moving. to a new neighbourhood and moving closer to...

..my annoyin' uncle. :(

and im moving far away from bairavi, ah yi, tallie and my les clinques! faraway from everyone i knew since nong ago... i can really foresee myself strained at home and crying where's my movie kakis, missin' the occasional phone calls of "hey where are you pig, come out and have lunch together!" from my very lovely friends..

and yesterday after watching pursuit of happyness with adee, she commented that there's still a long time for me to move yet (in july) so i bet she won't be missing me! :(

thatheartlessgirl, imsonotgonnafriendheralready! hempf!

im very much filled with saddness, but i sincerely hope that santa claus bless me with a new wish soon.

may there be lots and lots and lots of hunks in my new neighbourhood. - and turn all the tiko peks into ... eh. bak chor mee uncle. (i have a thing for bak chor mee uncles. LOL!)

from the very soon-to-be mover,
Charps! :(
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