Pattern test

Independent Unconventional Unfettered
You demand a free and unattached life for yourself that allows you to determine your own course. You have an artistic bent in your work or leisure activities. Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do exactly the opposite of what expected of you.
Your lifestyle is highly individualistic. You would never blindly imitate what is "in"; on the contrary, you seek to live according to your own ideas and convictions, even if this means swimming against the tide.
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Independent Unconventional Unfettered
You demand a free and unattached life for yourself that allows you to determine your own course. You have an artistic bent in your work or leisure activities. Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do exactly the opposite of what expected of you.
Your lifestyle is highly individualistic. You would never blindly imitate what is "in"; on the contrary, you seek to live according to your own ideas and convictions, even if this means swimming against the tide.
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have wanted to blog about how confused i felt.. out of a sudden. like a sudden mood swing when i thought "hey.. i think i wanna do a quiz" and then as suddenly as my moodiness came, it goes away.
i mean, come on! me?! Saddam Huessin!? i hate him for destroying peace.. but i really dont know why he did that or his real motive so i shall not comment any further. hate anyone who destroys peace and strives to encourage chaos and war. even the president or.. anyone. for that matters. :D
lets all strives for peace in the world! im so random! hiakhiakhiak!
from the very-love-peace,
Charps! :)
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