Monday, October 29, 2007

Bad mood streak

I am having a bad mood streak.

During this period I behave like a mad cow, mad woman and mad bitch. I get angry at the slightest thing and felt like I've lost control. It was so bad that I screamed at my maternal uncle (screw the MCPs!!) while I was at work yesterday afternoon. I could have swore people heard me screaming on the phone at him and it didn't end there. In fact, I came home and screamed at my mom for letting him call me.

I felt like a crazy creature. My chest felt so.. suffocated. I thought I felt my cholestrol level goes on a roller coaster ride!

Remember I blogged about not feeling like giving in? I felt all the more now.. In fact I felt so bad I couldn't resist a verbal lash at anyone who tries anything funny or try to provoke me. In short, I was a monster for the past couple of days.

I rejected to help my friend who is rushing their PP on the last minute. I wasn't in the mood for anything. I don't even feel like talking. I'm not going to be putting on a mask when I'm talking with people who have well, who knows how many masks behind their happy grins. It's pretentious and made me nauseous!

It's the last week of school starting from tomorrow. Well, at least before school is back after the one week break, of which I'll be spending on another wisdom tooth op, nursing and deprived of food.


I suspect my bad mood streak has something to do with the people I'm been in contact with and the lack of sleep. The people I'm with.. they are either sterotyp-ers or made me felt like slapping them over and over again.

On an additional note, I wish I didn't have much committments. I guess I'm not suited for long-time committments..

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