Thursday, March 15, 2007


i just kenna caned after so many donkey years..

mom's friend came over with her 2 grandchildren again and i've been trying to shut the voices up by covering the pillow over me. had wanted to shout.. i mean, c'on! you're in my home and you know im in bed because i slept late and you!!! your grandson run about make noise i can't say anything since kids are supposed to be this way -.- but how can you punish them by asking them to cry non-stop when im supposed to be snoozing!?

then i heard a knock and she asked me about some trivial matters.. like correction liquid and saw Wayne crying on the sofa, Basil beside him looking scared. :(

i think wayne is tired from all the cryings and screaming he has done but she wouldn't let him stop. even used the stick mom used to stop her itch and smack wayne. omfg.

how can you hit a helpless kid?! so i try to shield him and kenna caned as well. i hope i won't have ugly cane marks on me. :(

from the hate-violent-hate-canes,
Charps! :(
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