Tuesday, May 08, 2007

About: Tank's Concert

So, did I mentioned I attended Tank's campus concert yesterday? I guess I did! :D

What happen is that I've got my ticket from Lean who Q-ed up twice for the tickets and the rest of the peeps was interested to go but doesn't have the tickets. So what did they do? Heh.

Anyway, the school caught wind of it about people photocopying the tickets and selling it online(real money-grabbers) and they were getting stricter in checking the tickets. Although I must admit that the quality of the fake ones was comparable to the originals or maybe even better, I must admit there's still several loopholes. Like how the ink stamp will smear through in the originals and such. (And..no, I'm not involved but there's alot people with the tickets so you can borrow, touch and see la..)

So the friends were all very damn lucky indeed to be able to pull through the "tight security" at the entrance. Imagine all of us on tatterhoots!

I'm blogging now in the school library despite not attending lesson today (cause im sick mah) and i was attending a compulsory meeting just now during lunch break. So im currently waiting for jing to come find me at the cafe while i'll get out with sally later to get her "die-die-must-buy" zinc bag..


就是爱你爱着你    不弃不离开       不在意一路有多少风雨...




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