Sunday, May 06, 2007

Women's Needs!

I so agree with Finickyfeline on this lorr!

One thing about me is that I like to have chocolates in my fridge, even if I do consume them for the whole fortnight. Because as all of you probably knows, commercial chocolates can last for at least half a year(please check out your expiry date) and when kept in the fridge, an even longer preservative period.

And the reason it's there?

For me to consume as my medication when I'm in a pms-sy mood or when im simply stressed out. It is not there.. for any other reason you know?!

And if someone wanna eat the chocolates, its okay. All you need to do is have the courtesy to tell me so I'm informed (and wont come after you with a hammer when im in need of it and it is gone.

Poof! Vanished! And all that's left is one empty container sitting in the fridge.

Another thing you can do to avoid getting kan-ed by me is replace the chocolate as quickly as you can. As I mentioned, I can allow the chocolate to sit in for as long as 2 weeks without touching/checking it one bit. So you can probably be nice enough, have it today and replace it by tomorrow. 

Thank you very much.

Right now, I'm in a super stressed mood and complaining to people online is not much of an option. Because talking people right now, stresses me out too!

So i'm counting on the Napolitains chocolate I've got in the fridge. And guess what?!

My brother the rat has almost finished it all! **RAAAAWWWRRRRRRR**

I so feel like biting him now. *grit teeth* And he's lucky enough to have went out like. 30mins ago.. !@$%%$^$&%*^%*%$@#@$@#@$@%!!!!!!

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