Saturday, April 28, 2007

Aint no answer!

Wah lan eh...

First & foremost, I am not your answering machine (not in the literal form) or the one who answers all your strings of stupid questions.

I don't mind helping people and answering questions you know.. but before asking any questions, can at least make the effort to listen, try and do anot?

Don't ask me questions even primary school students or below can answer one. Damn time-wasting can and annoying can?! Everything also need people to spell out and work it out for you then what do you do?

Eat, shit and sleep?

I was saying that I should hide myself and laptop in a box (like what they do in movies.. where the people go to church to confess in a 'box-like' cubicle) then start answering questions for people who don't wanna use their brain for $0.50 each. From ABCs to directions, I will hide inside there and while im surfing for the answers, maybe msn abit, surf blogs abit.. and maybe earn my first million dollars this way.

Studies mentioned humans only used 10> % of the entire brain. So if people aint using it to think, seriously.. i don know what can be done already lor.

i know i sounds sarcastic and big ego here, but just put yourself in my shoe and finally think. okay?

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