Monday, August 21, 2006

I pon-ed school

Edit: One of my friend just msn-ed me and told me he had cancer. Sigh.

Today is just one of those day when I'd skip school to visit the office once in a while..

Well, I've got the 'legal' days off available!

Anyway I met up with Sally today and we got to the office together. I swear there was so much gossips, so many new surprises that for the whole day I still can't get myself to digest some of the news.

Like how some impossible couples got together; people leaving the company and how the coffeeshop uncle who always served my favorite home brewed lemon tea at our favorite kopitiam with my favorite bak chor mee became the boss of a newly opened kopitiam just a few stone throw away from our office!

Chatted with Sally along the way and we talked about several topics. Like how I felt there's a communication barrier in between another colleague and me(which concidentally she told Sally the same thing too) because our characters are too big of a difference and our thinkings clash too many a time.

I find it tiring to be communicating with her; to interact with her and to even keep someone company.

I am someone who is deeply affected by people's mood and what I'm doing everyday is trying to keep people happy to the extent that sometimes I do not realize it.

I may be tired physically or mentally but heck, I still wish for some people to be happy sometimes..

But she's never happy. She can complain about every single thing. She thinks too much of things which should just be chunk behind your head and think too little of things that should be taken seriously.

Of course, that's her own freedom.

That is why I say we have a big clash ya know? When she start asking for opinion and I begin to be brutally frank out of good intention, she would go "why are you always like this"; "eeyer I don't wanna talk to you no more!" that kind of responses just makes me piss off.

It's no wonder I'm keeping my distance with her now, though I really hope there's some way that we can solve this problem.

But heck, let's push it aside first!

On a seperate note, I'm missing my friends in school from just skipping one lesson! I'm missing my friends from my primary school, secondary school and yes, my workplace too!
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