Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Fallen ill

Recently these 2 days I've fallen to the weather/whatsoever reason and have gotten infection on my upper tract. It initially appeared as a sore throat, feeling pain whenever I swallow my saliva or food.

By afternoon, I've gotten myself feverish in class. I felt so cold, sooooo blardily cold! I tucked at my own jacket and at my classmate's and still felt so cold. Then I had a splitting headache that just doesn't seems to go away. I made a big mess out of my presentation and spent all my other time lying my head on the table, giving no attention to the other presenters out there.

And then I came home and slept for 12 hours, waking up 1 hour just to submit my assignment and drink something.

Today, I felt better. I went to meet my classmate and we got on the usual bus. Initially it was really fine, except that I felt a little weak. I thought it was because we stood through out the bus ride and I pass it off as being ok. It is then that I had a terrible headache + tummyache and start feeling real cold again. Then I felt the giddiness.


I rested my head against the handhold. I closed my eyes. I counted my breathing and tried to make my breathing normal again, trying my best to relax myself.

But my breathing just got faster, my head more giddy and the aircon just seems to get colder every second.. but with me sweating.

I was having cold sweat!

And then I gave up. I squatted at the entrance and stayed there for some time. I wanna take a cab home and sleep my way home. I don't wanna go school. I don't wanna go for my test. I don't wanna go anywhere else!

But I've reached my destination.

So I walked to school and poor me, I had to endure the coldness and the giddiness throughout the whole test. Thank god everyone are skipping lesson after the test so we got to get out of the boring module. Went to chill-out a little at the library because I'm supposed to have a meeting which got cancelled at the same minute and I played Taboo! with my mates and learnt how to play pool from them.

Happiness is me!

Now still feeling a little unwell, hope I gets better soon!
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