Friday, August 25, 2006

My first friend; my first best friend.

There are times whereby when you recall your past and memories comes flowing back to you, these people stands out from the others and make your crack a smile or two.

Wileen is one of them.

I seldom talked about her since long ago.. because I always remembered that she ass-ed our friendship on the first day that I decided to pon-teng my badminton training. She went to our instructor and told him that I wanted to quit the club.

What the.. So I went up to her and asked her why she did that. Her response? That it was my fault, that I told her that and even asked her to relayed the message. She even did that in front of my classmates. Screamed at me.

That moment I wanted to explode. Freak out. Pull hair. Grit my teeth.

Know what? We had the best coordination when it came to badminton, floorball and basketball. I loved her. As a friend. She was my first friend and the first one to really treat me like a friend. I had no idea what happened that made her did that but I am still angry about it. Call me petty.. I am still angry. Because I never knew what happened? Or is it because I never want to remember it again?

Met her online few years later. Chatted and I kind of got myself to forgive her..not fully though. It was like a shadow casted. A scar left behind. You just never get it out of your mind.

Met her during her 13th birthday party. Her mom told my mom to get me there..and my mom encouraged me to stay over. IT IS ONLY AT HER BIRTHDAY PARTY THAT I CAN CHOOSE TO STAY OVER!

Can you realize how deep our friendship was?

It's supposed to be 13 years old now, if only not for the years that I have to remember that the friendship was ruined singlehandedly by one line of her words.

She told me straight in the face "It's your own fault"

What? It's my fault that you told a lie; it's my fault that you denied responsibility for it and it's a lie when you told your mom that I ruined our friendship when she asked why we never get out again?

Maybe I did something that annoys you, but it doesn't matter no more. You made me so scared of people.

And I never played badminton a day without thinking of my first friend. My floorball matches without thinking of pairing up with you on the field. Basketball without stepping on your toe.

And the skipping rope challenges. But no one remembered who won and who lost.

If only lost time could be found, this time I'd rather be who I am right now and not the cowardly fellow who used to tag behind you wherever you go in the past.
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