Sunday, July 29, 2007

The ego-period is blowing.

I am going through this period with that 'ego' thing in me again. Trust me, not only do guys are egoistic creatures. Me too. Especially during time like this.

First and foremost, I have absolutely nothing to say to people who wouldn't think for fuck sake. Don't ask me obvious questions when you know the answers and don't, i warn you, don't ever mention things you know i irk and would slap you left right up down if only im not trying to be a nice person.

If you think you're so fantastic, show it. Don't say one thing and do another. Don't tell tall stories and give shit work. Don't give me fuck-arse theories and then wooo. damnit, you're so screwed! Your standards are anything but what you've claimed. To put it across more bluntly, you're nothing more than a bubble from the soap bubble gun.

One touch is all you need to show your true colors.

It's ok to make mistake but don't give me excuses that you think would help. Because it doesn't. Not one bit, buddy. Any excuses/explanations should be relevant, not bedtime stories you're telling everyone.

And its freaking irritating to have people who literally snatches or lust after things you're targeting too. Like what. Some bugs in the ass following every choice you take.

Person A: Ok, i think i want that.

Person B: No, i want that! *proceeds to give a million thwart theories that doesn't even makes the pigs move one bit.*

Person A: *grumbles and think* Ok, whatever. I'll take the other one.

Person B: No, i think i'd like the other one.

What the @!#$@#$@$@$?!?!?!?!??!?

Save your fuck ass excuses la.

I am so sick of being this person who is tolerating everyone else. So i'm trying to be nice and you guys wouldn't let me. Fine.. whatever. I'll be that monster that you want to see then. Suits me fine, doesn't matter anyway.

Why should i give the fuckfaced the honour by taking in their shits? And this is the time when I think really.. really. I think I am smarter. At least I know how to think using my brain. You guys don't even utilize it one bit so you don't come and mess around. If you're so petty and so full of grievance and pour it all out. Don't keep it in and pretend to be nice when you're a hypocrite who speaks the other story in another setting.

I hate people like you and I'm planning to put all the needles on all those weird little voodoo dolls except for the fact that I'm afraid they're really hideous to look at so I'm not scaring myself with them in my room(and wasting the precious dollars just to buy and be reminded of all the fuckfaced.)

I am so angry now, I am scolding all the words I've been trying to curb the urge to and yet speaking of it now. Let's hope this ego-period will blow over soon.

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