Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Poor Kitty

I've had a horrible dream last night. Like again!?

I dreamt one of my hamster in my dream was out and running in the kitchen of my old place and it was dangerous, since there's the sewage hole not covered and everything. So I was trying to locate it when suddenly I heard a screech from the poor animal.

Then I found it hiding in one of the corner but hey, there's another animal there. There's a cat trying to catch it! So instinctively I took my chance to chase the cat away, out to the main door when it kept coming back.

So many times that I got really frustrated and with one big hit, sent it off from the 8th floor down.

I didn't go out to see the body though. Then, I got my hammie back in the cage as happy as can be.

I am really a sadist in my dream. ARG!

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