Tuesday, September 05, 2006

No More Reputation

Yesterday and today was bad.. real bad.

I tarnished my own reputation.

Around 6am after my mom left for work, I smelled cigarettes. Needless to say, it must be my brother. Never one to be nice to him about this issue(The family has a smoking policy after we know he's a smoker) and the only thing we asked from him is not to smoke at home.

Reason 1, his sister has asthma and secondly her sister and mother don't wanna get lung cancer from being second hand smoker.

So imagine my dulan-ness when I woke up because of the stewpit smell and I think I went hysterical. I went screaming and shrieking asking my brother to stop smoking at home.

Sometimes, I really attributes my such movement to my father. He used to smoke at home and then after he left I can't really accept anything close to him anymore. Even my brother and mother. It's like a very big repulsion to me right now.

Anyway, I think my brother brought some female friend home and it's ... embarassing.

This morning I woke up with a call from some private number. Thinking it's my mother bugging me about trivial matters again and still dulan from the smoking(i think) i woke up and has this "man" voice of "HELLO", Turn out its one of the guy from my club who spoke to me lst night. He got a shock I think.. and I got such a bad day.. half a day. Tarnishing all the reputation I have.

Kao EH!!!! *Cries*
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