Friday, May 25, 2007

Lovable classmates

Oh wells! Pardon me for the 'long hiatus'. My normal posting intervals are pretty short in between and im shocked at myself for being able to hold out this long as well.

I haven't got any inspiration on what to blog up here for quite sometime now, except that school still bores me outta my mind and I'm not fully(in that sense, errr 100%) recovered from the vicious virus attack that has been going around infecting poor babies like us with coughs, fever and flu.

I hope everyone is fine and not infected by me in anyway. Hah!

Oh.. maybe I could just acknowledge how nice some of my classmates are. Last friday I was so sicked beyond words. I would just rest my head on the table and sleep and not only did my team members not blame me one bit, they shower me with love and care! They were going like "Patient go sleep. do nothing!" "Patient present SIT DOWN!" and literally push me to the faci seat.

They were like .. so nice can! And those who ain't in my class offered to help me buy food or something.

When i was absent from school on monday and tuesday, many msned me and ask how I was doing and many go "CHARMAINE YOU'RE BACK!" when i finally dragged my arse to school this morning! I am so touched.. :P

Today QY and I talked about opening a class chalet and she said if no one is interested, we'll spend the money on a nice nice seafood buffet feast!

I think she hasn't got enough lesson being laughed at by Joel for eating.. hahahah!
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