Monday, December 03, 2007


I spent the day at home and at the doctor's today. Went to see a doctor regarding my sore throat which really hurts and he gave me this super big antibiotics and even gave me a pill for chestiness, which is like problem breathing in the lungs because of the phglem.

So I was so sadded because for one, I couldn't talk as much as I want to!! Yuxiang called me up during first break and asked if I wanted breakfast. I told her I had a sore throat and am staying at home but she heard it as I'm still sleeping. She even went "HUH" so loud!

I had to talk quite painfully to her over the phone and clarify that I am having sore throat (oei, i woke up at 6.30am okay!! :P)

Was feeling really crossed with mom in the afternoon due to what happened yesterday. Slept a while during the evening when she's out with her friends and woke up just in time to eh. catch my show.

Shit la!! I am not studying and I am buying too much stuffs online. Whatever happen to my social life? I complaint to my classmates about they being heartless because you know la, me being such a kind and innocent person being very nice and thoughtful to them when they sick you know..

only to have them saying "good, dont get well so soon!" but thats not as evil as this.


Whoa, damn sadded la. Tomorrow I shall not talk to them in protest! (I can't talk anyway.. hahaha!) and yes yes, hempf. I'm going to ignore them. HEMPF!

Oh.. and I found my new *ahem* eye candy. Introducing.. JON McLAUGHLIN!

Cute looking right! I know! :X He's the one who sang "So Close" in the Enchanted Movie while Giselle and Robert were dancing away the night in each other's arms!

Can I say how beautiful that scene was? *wipe tears*

**PS: I hope that this album, proud father is not referring to himself. I think he's referring to our Lord, Jesus Christ but if he's referring to himself, my hopes will be dashed! :((( **

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