Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A New Direction

... and so I am making a decision. Rather, I made a decision. Talked to people and thought it over, spoke to mom and got it clear.

I'm quitting and embarking on something new. A new direction. I'm afraid to stay stagnant and the feeling of not being useful but I guess the break is very much welcome after the long battle with time and everything else.

Thank you to those who listened and stood by me. For understanding and not putting more pressure or stress on me unwittingly by forcing your ideas on me, regardless of what differences we have in our views. No thanks to those who tried to forced their ideas on me and driving my insomnia longer than I thought. I get you, but I really need you with me, understanding me and all.. from my point of view. It's all very difficult for me too.

I've began doing what I should do and yes, I'm going to an interview tomorrow! I hope all bodes well for me so life can start sailing smooth for me..
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