Thursday, November 22, 2007

Felt like a fycked-up puppet

Attended the seminar today on my own. Sometimes, I suspect that I'm a real pyschic or that, what they say about girls being sensitive and having the sixth intuition is true. I had this really bad feeling that despite the many assurance im getting, something's gonna happen to the appointment i made today.

Sure enough.

I was more disappointed than angry, but things are fine now.  I just wish I had been notified earlier..

Anyway! I'm sicked of people asking me obvious things. Or things they don't bother to think on their own. If you're too lazy to think, please, just hand in a blank assignment. Why should people be doing the work for you when it is YOUR work? Don't tell me you're tired, you're sick and whatsoever. Save your excuses because life still goes on and there are so many people who still work or at least USES their brains when they are sick.

I sound damn awful here but I'm not a puppet for you to make use of. I'm not for you to call me down when you have no one to accompany, I'm not the one who do your work or obliged to help you out if you DONT BOTHER to do something.

As a friend, I'll do what I can. I don't trouble you with things I can find online or if I can search some books. I only ask what I can't find after I TRIED.

Can you do that too please? Because it's pissing me way too much!

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