Monday, November 19, 2007

Super pissed

One thing about why I hate going to school on a UT day is not because I won't have time to prepare. But because everyone gets really self-fish on that particular day! It's bad of me to be saying that but hey, don't you guys just agree that people started studying for their UT when they are supposed to be doing work and preparing for powerpoints. It would be absolutely fine if everyone finishes their work first before studying the UT, no objections since the work have been done.

But I absolutely loathe it when people in the group starts playing games, start studying for the test and neglected doing work for the daily presentation. Then you started seeing sloppy work, bad preparations which leads to bad presentation and everyone standing them in awkward silence.

Which can be prevented from happening in the first place.

Then everyone get bad grades unless there is one or two who devoted themselves to doing those shit work(research, ppt) while everyone is busy studying for their bloody test. After the presentation is done, you thought "whoa, at least I have one hour to prepare myself" and bastards who didn't study comes up to you and say "hey teach me leh! I never study"

Like what the fuck right? It's your bloody problem. Not mine. Plus, it's your well-deserved if you were too lazy to study it or get the reading materials. Then people start crowding around you asking you to teach them when you don't even have the time to bloody read up for yourself.

This is the time when I wanna lash out at them and tell them to stop being such a self-fish bastards and spare a thought for others who are doing what it is to make it right.

Is it so difficult that everyone work together and finish off everything by a timing instead of wasting time and gaming so everyone can start studying after that? IS IT SO DIFFICULT?

I am bloody angry. I am typing this entry out in class after one of my classmate blurted out that we better do our work first because im angry. OF COURSE I AM!!!

I admitting it upfront because I'm sicked of doing everything for the sake of the team. Why not I be the self-fish bastard this time round and I'll study the things plus for the test but refuse to share the learnings with you guys so I'll show everyone that I'm the one doing the work?

HOW ABOUT THAT ASSHOLES!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? -pissed!-

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